Jam out to the greatest rock songs of all time with your friends!

Our Classic Rock Band Camp is perfect for kids with an eclectic taste, which most of the time comes from mom or dad! We’ll learn to play tunes from all of the great classic rock bands of the 60s & 70s, and students will gain a lot of music history knowledge in the process! Our skilled band directors will put together an awesome setlist of fun songs for our campers to learn, with the ultimate goal of performing for their parents and friends at the end of the week. Playing in a band can help foster a love for music that most of our students didn’t even know they had! Our classic rock camp requires at least one year of private lesson experience on any instrument.

Our Classic Rock Band Camp is available in three age groups: Ages 8-10, and Ages 11-13, and Ages 14-17. We require at least one year of private lesson experience on any instrument to participate.


  • 9:00 am – Morning Ice Breakers & Listening Sessions
    Ice breakers are an essential part of getting to know and building a bond with your fellow campers! Campers will get the chance to share some of their favorite music and even influence the setlist for the week!
  • 10:00 am – Jam session
    Our morning Jam session is relaxed and casual – it allows our campers to try out all sorts of different instruments while learning some basic skills on each one. Our band directors will help students figure out parts and use this jam session to assign instruments for the showcase at the end of the week.
  • 11:00 am – Lessons & Skill Building
    Campers will separate into small groups or will work solo at a private workstation. Each camper or small group will focus on an assigned instrumental task and skill for the day on the instrument that they selected during the morning jam session.
  • Noon – Lunch break
  • 1:00-3:30 pm – Setlist practice
    Campers will apply their new skills to a band setting. The band director will spend time working on skills and parts with each camper so that everyone has fun. These afternoon sessions will ultimately culminate in a Friday performance for our parents and friends!
  • 3:30-5:00 pm – Optional Aftercare
    Our camps officially end at 3:30 pm, but for those parents who need it, we provide optional aftercare until 5:00 pm for a fee. Your students will be able to continue practicing their instrument, or work at a private station and unwind from a long day.


JULY 6-10
Rockstar 101
JULY 13-17
90s Jams
JULY 20-24
Top 40 Hits
JULY 27-31
Modern Rock
Rockstar 101
AUGUST 10-14
AUGUST 17-21
Classic Rock
AUGUST 24-28
Top 40 Hits
Most Popular
Full Day Camp
  • Full-Day: 9am – 3:30pm
  • 5-Day sessions (M-F)
  • Different weekly camp subjects
  • Technology-focused
  • Social activities and group learning experiences
  • Weekly showcase
  • 3:30-5 PM
  • 5-Day sessions (M-F)
  • Hang out after camp!
  • Use the time to work on camp materials
  • Must be enrolled in a band camp