Music lessons are not just another after-school activity!

All kids deserve to learn the language of music. Music is an integral part of what keeps the world spinning, and every person on this planet should have an opportunity to learn music.

So i Heard Music is on a mission to teach music to as many kids as possible in the most fun, engaging, and modern way possible. There’s a reason why So i Heard Music students stay enrolled for years at a time!

If you are looking for your child to have fun in music lessons and want them to learn in an exciting and engaging environment, So i Heard Music is the answer!

Our monthly lesson program is so much more than just weekly private lessons. We also offer monthly Open Mic Nights, an EPIC yearly recital, access to the So i Heard band program, as well as access to our recording studio and artist development programs. Books and sheet music are even covered in the cost of lessons!

Learn any instrument at So i Heard Music!

???? Piano

???? Voice

???? Guitar

???? Drums

???? Songwriting

????️ Music Production

To change your child’s life for the better, learn more here.

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